
Welcome To The Selling Lounge!

We are a friendly forum where sellers help sellers to help our/your online E-Commerce Business grow by having a place of resources and support along with help in promoting ourselves and each other.

I have been selling on line since 2003 in which I started out with eBay where I was doing very well as a Powerseller until all the fee hikes and changes. I then opened up my first Website almost 2 years ago and have been a member of a few very nice informative E-Commerce Forums and have learned so much about this new world of online selling that I wanted to have all my information in one place to help me succeed and by doing that helping others at the same time.

I have noticed that there is a ton of information out there on the net to help us become successful business owners and there are certain things that we must do in order to get our products out there and noticed and to get the buyers to us.

So I'm hoping that we can all share with each other "our tips" of "what works" and "what does not work".

January 18, 2010

Lora Severson Photography in The Spot Light


Warm and sunny – and absolutely stunning – photos of sunflowers are only one of the many pieces of eye candy you’ll be able to feast upon when visiting Lora Severson Photography. You’ll also find daisies, roses, hydrangeas, and tulips. And, there’s more! Country lovers will want to browse her barns and rustic collection, those interested in the Martial Arts can find custom martial arts photographic products just for them, and starry-eyed lovers simply must see her extensive Wedding Collection of invitations, announcements, save the date cards, envelope stickers, key chains, and more, more more!

Lora is one talented lady, and that’s perfectly evident when you look at her custom photography products. But, she’s also a valuable member here at TSL, and we are lucky to have her. She’s a great stumbler, and has given many of us a big traffic boost by encouraging us to stumble, and helping us to remember to do it more often and effectively.

Besides being a professional photographer, as you will see from reading a Squidoo Lens that she writes, she is a 40 year old Black Belt, so she is quite the multi-faceted lady, who doesn’t mind giving of her time to help out fellow sellers. And so, the spotlight is happy to shine on this special lady, who so exemplifies the spirit of TSL!

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