
Welcome To The Selling Lounge!

We are a friendly forum where sellers help sellers to help our/your online E-Commerce Business grow by having a place of resources and support along with help in promoting ourselves and each other.

I have been selling on line since 2003 in which I started out with eBay where I was doing very well as a Powerseller until all the fee hikes and changes. I then opened up my first Website almost 2 years ago and have been a member of a few very nice informative E-Commerce Forums and have learned so much about this new world of online selling that I wanted to have all my information in one place to help me succeed and by doing that helping others at the same time.

I have noticed that there is a ton of information out there on the net to help us become successful business owners and there are certain things that we must do in order to get our products out there and noticed and to get the buyers to us.

So I'm hoping that we can all share with each other "our tips" of "what works" and "what does not work".

August 15, 2009


We have now released support for Canada Post in the calculated shipping preferences. To enable this feature, visit the Settings/Shipping Preferences and select the Canada Post option.

You will need to have a valid Canadian Postal Code saved in your general settings/store address for this function to work properly and valid shipping weights for all of your products. Please note, due to the slow response times from the Canada Post API, this not currently available as a shipping option for Google Checkout. ---------------------


buyitsellit makes selling online simple and fun! »

Whether you are new to selling online or a seasoned veteran, we have all the tools you need to establish your online store in moments.

Just a few of our features include order & customer management, sales reports, visitor statistics, multiple payment processors, customizable design, SEO optimization, built in email marketing, PDF receipts, real-time postage calculation via USPS. UPS and FedEx, Google Base feeds, domain hosting. See More Features.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

BISI is a good platform for new sellers... very easy, no coding to learn, and it has lots of extra features for one all-inclusive monthly price.