Best Blog For January Contest – Vote For Your Best Blog
Sellers Helping Sellers
Best Blog For January Contest – Vote For Your Best Blog
Next Workshop: Monday November 2nd, 11:30 a/m (EST) |
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We will be working on adding your intro photo and Diana will have you start filling out text boxes. You can of course work on your own, but some folks wanted to walk through this step by step.
Add Your Squidoo Links Here so we can Roll Them!
Then when we all rate/comment/lensroll/favorite/join fan club... each others lens we tell each other which ones we did here.
What is Squidoo ?
A Squidoo lens is a page - a sort of blog/journal/article/photo essay with captions... whatever you want it to be.
A Squidoo lens can help you define your brand and expand your network.
Although the Atlantic Basin Hurricane Season officially runs from June 1 to Nov 30, we have just entered the peak part of the season, which usually occurs from about the second week of August through October.
What if you live in a land-locked state? Then this has nothing to do with you, right? Wrong! Hurricane season can have a big effect on those operating their sites from or near coastal areas, but it can also affect you even if you run your ecommerce site from Idaho. Here are some actions to think about taking if your location might be affected by one of these monster storms and some things to take into consideration even if you are far, far from the sea.
Make it your business to know what systems are churning out there, and where they might be heading. Also, if a storm is affecting an area or has just done so, be familiar with where that area is, and (in general) how widespread damages and power outages are. You might have customers in the area. Don't expect sales or communications from them just before or after a tropical system hits their area.
The same is true of your vendors or anyone you order business supplies from. Know where your vendors are for the same reasons.
Be patient! Your customers and/or vendors could very well be operating in survival mode. They may or may not have power, running water, or even a roof over their heads. And, depending on the extent of damage, that mode could last from just a few hours to weeks on end.
REMEMBER that category does NOT matter! We had thousands of dollars in damage and went for several days without power when Fay swept through last year . . . and she was "only" a Tropical Storm. You cannot operate your business by candlelight. Be prepared - not only with your disaster plans and emergency supplies kit - but also for possible downtime.
1- BACK UP YOUR SITE and everything related to it regularly, but ESPECIALLY if a system is approaching. If you are not using an internet based back-up service, pack the latest copy of your back tape or flash drive in your 'Go Kit,' so that it evacuates with you. I usually take my hard drive, as well.
2 - SAFEGUARD YOUR INVENTORY. Make sure it is stored in plastic and/or plastic bins, and elevated.
3 – If a storm is tracking towards your area, consider placing a NOTE on your site that you in the possible path of the storm, and anyone considering a purchase might want to complete that purchase by a certain day or time.
4 – If the NHC issues a WATCH for your area, you might want to advise customers that you downtime for your site may be imminent.
5 – If your watch is upgraded to a WARNING, consider putting your site on ‘vacation’ setting or disabling your cart. Consider the ramifications this scenario: Someone makes a purchase at 2:30 and, at 2:31, the storm knocks out power to your area – for two weeks! (It could happen) Better to be safe than sorry.
6 – Personally, I wouldn’t order a new batch of inventory with a storm headed in my direction, either. But, that's just me.
Article By: CruiseReady
Whether you are new to selling online or a seasoned veteran, we have all the tools you need to establish your online store in moments.
Just a few of our features include order & customer management, sales reports, visitor statistics, multiple payment processors, customizable design, SEO optimization, built in email marketing, PDF receipts, real-time postage calculation via USPS. UPS and FedEx, Google Base feeds, domain hosting. See More Features.
We welcome you to our store. We carry a full line of books, book accessories, magazines, ephemera, vhs, and dvd's. Most items are either new, outdated, first editions, and signed editions. We also have some antiquated books, which are in good ,old or worn condition.
We list items daily, so keep checking back with us. Please contact us if you are looking for a particular book or item and we will do our best to locate it for you.
Hi - BaysDesigns, I am back and I want to thank everyone for their support. You can email me if you would like an update. Otherwise onto the FUN! Only a couple of more days left in this week's Membership surfing ratio for today only! Premium 1:3 LifeTime 1:3 Standard 3:6 Free 3:5 Who will YELL Have fun surfing, Suzanne For more information visit: or |
Cruise Ready Store is a specialty store carrying a selection of items of interest to the cruising community. If you’re looking for Cruise Accessories or Memorabilia, Cruise Ready is ready for you!
Established: March 26, 2008, to share a love of cruising with like minded souls, and help others to always be Cruise Ready.
Owner: A cranky old lady who is fortunate to live within minutes of a sea port. She and her oh-so patient husband have taken around 30 cruises, and are always ready for their next one. She is also a Steward (moderator) on one of the net’s most popular cruise forums, A successful business owner for 14 years, Cruise Ready Store is her latest entrepreneurial venture.
We have things you just might find indispensible for on your next cruise, from Cruise Shirts and swim cover-ups for day to evening accessories for formal night, like evening bags, formal snoods, nautical cuff links and tie bars, and more.
Take some of our Ginger candies along just in case of rough seas, and we have lanyards with holders for your ship ID card.
While just about any one of our items would make a great gift for an avid cruiser, we do have a small selection of especially made up Bon Voyage Cruise Gift packs … complete with Bon Voyage gift tags.
We have a very nice, and nicely growing, collection of cruise mementos for you to choose from. You’ll find items from Carnival and Princess, Royal Caribbean and Celebrity, Cunard, Holland America, Norwegian, and other lines. Come and browse any time… you’re sure to see something that will bring back memories.
See what’s new at Cruise Ready today… you might find a perfect tote bag, or that travel alarm clock you’ve been meaning to get – or maybe a memento to cherish from a ship you’ve cruised or one you wish you could have.
And, speaking of new . . . if you’re new to cruising, be sure to check out our Tips for New Cruisers, and Cruising Links pages.