We are a friendly forum where sellers help sellers to help our/your online E-Commerce Business grow by having a place of resources and support along with help in promoting ourselves and each other.
I have been selling on line since 2003 in which I started out with eBay where I was doing very well as a Powerseller until all the fee hikes and changes. I then opened up my first Website almost 2 years ago and have been a member of a few very nice informative E-Commerce Forums and have learned so much about this new world of online selling that I wanted to have all my information in one place to help me succeed and by doing that helping others at the same time.
I have noticed that there is a ton of information out there on the net to help us become successful business owners and there are certain things that we must do in order to get our products out there and noticed and to get the buyers to us.
So I'm hoping that we can all share with each other "our tips" of "what works" and "what does not work".
November 30, 2008
YourHighBid's Member of the Week - YourBounty
Reallysmartdeals Newsletter and Birthday Prizes
We would like to wish a very warm welcome to all of our newly referred members! Thank you for joining. We hope you enjoy your stay with us. A very special thank you to all of our current active members who are increasing our daily surfing count and our membership level.
*****If you can not read this newsletter you can see it here NewsLetter Online
(Need Help Click Here (New Members Guide). If you ever get stuck, This is a great resource that can guide you through every link in the system.
*Members, help us service you faster. Please log in and use the Support System. This will virtually guarantee you'll reach me, no chance of bounced email.
Just a reminder:
You can add the same link up to 3 times only. Ad your link 3, 7, 14, ...... days that way it will stay in rotation all the time. This helps get more traffic to your site, but also helps develop your brand awareness. Remember, the trick to all this is to keep your site in front of people, everyday as much as possible for the long run.
OnGoing OnGoing
Auction site owners. When 6 or more of your members make it to the top ten, I will place your auction site banner in the size of 468x60 on the home page of RSD for one week. And the members from your site that make it to the top ten will also get 500 bonus credits. How dose that sound???
Members: The best way to surf for a auction site is to go to your tool page and click on My Profile, There you will see your name, email address, and password.
On the name add YHB, OLA, Plunderhere, (The Site You Are Surfing For) at the end of your user name. That way I will know who you are surfing for. You can change it when ever you need to.
Happy Birthday to Reallysmartdeals. We will be 3 on 12/12/08.
WE are going to give a prize a day away to one lucky member each day for 29 days. You have to be active the day before in order to win the prize.
I would like to thank our sponsors. Thank You.
Sewgood, Bays Designs, YourHighBid, Amboauctions, Myeauctions, Overnightauctions One, Overnightauctions Too,
Explorz.gotop100, Explorz, The Selling Lounge, Snagashop Top 100 Site, and LadybugAngel Graphics
RSD Members we would not have made it to 3 years old if it wasn't for you. Thank you to all the members that have surfed and referred to make RSD the best Shopping Traffic Exchange Online.
Prize are as follows
12/1 Beautiful Angel For the top of your Christmas Tree Sponsored By Beautiful Jewelry Chest ~ by ~ Sewgood
12/2 Custom Banner Set Sponsored By Bays Designs
12/3 $5.00 YourHighBid Site Credits. (If not a member - must signup to get prize)
12/4 $5.00 Amboauctions Site Credits (If not a member - must signup to get prize)
12/5 RSD Solo Ad
12/6 Overnightauctions Too $25 worth of new merchandise from our Variety store
12/7 5,000 banner credits added to your account
12/8 468 x 60 ad rotates on Explorz. This ads also rotate on the home page of my wahmadvertisement.com for 3 months
12/9 $25.00 Myeauctions Site Credits. (If not a member - must signup to get prize) Sponsored By Myeauctions
12/10 30 days Upgrade to Pro3 on Reallysmartdeals
12/11-1 Month Banner rotation (468x60) on YourHighBid Site Main page. (external links ok)
12/12 Happy Birthday to RSD, Happy Birthday to RSD. OK, I will quite singing. I am giving away 3 $10 amazon gift cards. There redeemable for millions of items on amazon. Plus other prizes on RSD as you surf you will find them.
12/13 1 Month Banner Ad (468x60) in The Selling Lounge along with being added to Selling Lounge Directory as well for a full month
12/14 1 Month Ad Spot on the Snagashop Top 100 Site
12/15 Explorz.gotop100 125 x 125 on our top 100 page. This ad also rotate on the home page of my wahmadvertisement.com for 3 months
12/16 Banner on on RSD's Tool page for 1 month banner size 125x125
12/17 Pre-made banner from LadybugAngel Graphics
Store (link is here: http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb43/yourhighbid/lbabug88x31.gif ) banner size is 88x31.
12/18 Overnightauctions One $25 worth of new merchandise from our Variety store
12/19 Upgraded Pro Lifetime Memberships account for Amboauctions.com
(if not a member MUST signup to get prize)
12/20 1st page seen on RSD's for 24 hours. You can choice the day.
12/21 Write up on your store in The The Selling Lounge Blog with many links going
to your store:
12/22 $5.00 YourHighBid Site Credits. (If not a member - must signup to get prize) Sponsored By YourHighBid
12/23 1 Month Banner rotation (468x60) on Amboauctions.com Site Main page.
(external links ok)
12/24 Christmas Eve (NO Prizes) Auto Surf
12/25 Merry Christmas (No Prizes) Auto Surf
12/26 text ad spot rotates on Explorz. This ads also rotate on the home page of my wahmadvertisement.com for 3 months
12/26-30 days Upgrade to Pro3 on Reallysmartdeals
12/27 Banner ad on RSD Weekly Newsletter Blog banner size 468x60 on the top of the page for 30 days.
12/28 $5.00 Amboauctions Site Credits (If not a member - must signup to get prize)
12/29-1 Month Banner Ad (468x60) in The Selling Lounge along with being added to Selling Lounge Directory as well for a full month
12/30 $5.00 YourHighBid Site Credits. (If not a member - must signup to get prize)
*Members, help us service you faster. Please log in and use the Support System. This will virtually guarantee you'll reach me, no chance of bounced email.
Congratulations to Yourhighbid surfed by Lamy 1st Place Surfer
Yourhighbid surfed by Lamy has the honor to display the 1st place RSD trophy on there auction site for one week.
Special Prize: Yourhighbid surfed by Lamy won 1st page seen for 24 hours. Your 1st page will start on Tue.
Yourhighbid - Changing the Auction World One Bid at a Time | Alternative Online Auction Site | Free Stores | Free Listings
YourHighBid is an Online Auction site.
Easily shop, buy, sell, and bid in thousands of categories.
Free google base, bulk lister. Free and discounted seller stores.
A great eBay alternative
As of Nov 30 YHB has 616 registered users 16944 live auctions 1 live wanted ads
Check out the CURRENT EVENTS on Yourhighbid
With Christmas right around the corner, be sure to check you YHB Stores Here a few stores
Who is going to win the trophy next week?
Ad's By the Members of RSD
Explorz - Online Shopping Portal and Store Reviews
You can have your ad in the newsletter for only $1 a week eMail Advertising
Congratulates to the top 10 Surfers from last week.
See what our top 10 Surfers have for SALE!
Purple Cow Antiques @ Overnight Acution.com
UniqueEmbroideries on Wagglepop
Beautiful Jewelry Chest ~ by ~ sewgood
Plunderhere Auctions ~ by ~ PDC
Books n More on Amboauctions ~ by ~ Randi Johnson
Top TEN Surfers/Shoppers each week win 1 of your shopping websites listed on the home page for 1 week
*1st place surfer wins a feature spot on Reallysmartdeals Newsletter each week.
* 1st place surfers gets to have there site as the 1st page seen for 24 hours on the surf bar of RSD
* All top ten surfers get to have one auction site or store listed on the home page of RSD
*** Everyone has a chance to win. All you have to do is surf ***
This is a lot of free advertising. Don't miss out.
Winners For the November Reallysmartdeals Referral Contest.
Thank You again Mark from Plunderhere for sponsoring Novembers referral contest.
1st place $50 site credit GwensWhatsItShoppe
2nd place $25 site credit Deborah Kwek
3rd place $10 site credit JustBon Crochet Designs, www.Treasureseekerscove.com, Bonanzle.com, and Shop@eCreater
I am so excited to announce Reallysmartdeals New Referral Contest for the month of December.
I would like to thank everyone that has works so hard bringing in new members. The more members we get signed up the more clicks your sites receive which = more $$$$'s for everyone. Promote your referral link everywhere.
You can always check your stats on the tool page click on Contests. Scroll to the bottom.
1st Place 10,000 Hit Credits
10,000 Banner Credits
10,000 Text Credits
2nd Place 5000 Hit Credits
5000 Banner Credits
5000 Text Credits
3rd Place 1000 Hit Credits
1000 Banner Credits
1000 Text Credits
NOTE: Your referrals have to be verified and surf 12 sites in order to get the referral credits.
Get your referral code and banners at My Downline on your tool page.
Ongoing Ongoing: You get 25 hit credits when you put ReallySmartDeals banner (the banner is located under "My Downline") on your auctions, me pages, websites site or blogs. That is 25 credit for each banner. (Credits can add up fast.) Include your user ID when you email me the url the banner is on. deb@reallysmartdeals.com
Cyber Monday Promotions!
Now is the time to get started
Cyber Monday is a relatively new phenomena, but this year retailers are jumping on board with a vengeance. You can keep your feet up on Black Friday and avoid the crowds if you want to. Cyber Monday, the point and click answer to Black Friday, comes your way on December 1st. With a credit or debit card and mouse in hand, you'll be able to find sweet deals in your pjs. Shop.org estimates that 72.2% of online retailers will be offering one-day specials on Black Friday this year.
RSD members to post your Cyber Monday Promotions! on Squidoo Now.
Log into Squidoo scroll half way down the page and add your Promotions to the Guestbook.
For each Cyber Monday Promotions you add to this page I will add 50 hit credits to your account.
NOTE: You must put in the promotions that it is for Cyber Monday only. Offer free shipping, a 10% off for one day, get creative lets all have fun with cyber Monday.
Be sure to send me a Support ticket after you post your deals so you will get the credits.
This is another great way to promote your sites and stores.
And it is free to do. If you are not a Squidoo yet you can sign up here
*** NOTE: Just a quick reminder, we have an open door policy at RSD simply because without members feedback, this program can never succeed? If you have any suggestions, comments or problems with RSD we need to hear from you. You can contact myself directly through our support ticket system. That way you know I will receive it.
*** NOTE: As a free member you need to surf in order for your sites to be seen. You have to surf every 14 days to keep your account active - surfing even just 5 or 6 pages will keep your account active and your sites will keep getting hits. If you don't surf for 14 days, your account becomes \'Suspended\'. It\'s your URLs that are suspended, not your account. You can 'Unsuspend' them by surfing a few pages
*Please support our community in every way you can. The more members we get signed up the more clicks your sites receive which = more
$$$$'s for everyone. Promote your referral link everywhere.
Ongoing Ongoing: You get 25 hit credits when you put ReallySmartDeals banner (the banner is located under "My Downline") on your auctions, me pages, websites site or blogs. That is 25 credit for each banner. (Credits can add up fast.) Include your user ID when you email me the url the banner is on. deb@reallysmartdeals.com
NOTE: Your referrals have to be verified and surf 12 sites in order to get the referral credits.
Get your referral code and banners at My Downline on your tool page.
If you ever need any help just log into your tool page and click on Contact Us link. This will virtually guarantee you'll reach me, no chance of bounced email.
P.S. Be sure to use all the recourses that Reallysmartdeals has to offer. Read everything. The more you work Reallysmartdeals the More Reallysmartdeals will work for you.
gbagit23 on Bonanzle
Visit our booth at:
Other booths:
Thank you and happy shopping!
EvesBooth on Bonanzle.
We thank them 10,000 times a day (our milestone we hit today) that they made us such a great site where we can post and chat without having to constantly look over our shoulders to see if big brother is watching and worry if we'll get "pink slapped".
I love my new home and my booth is also cozy. Where else can you have crazy things and such a variety listed without looking odd. Thats because we're in the great Bonanzle land where odd is normal.
Check out my normal booth at www.bonanzle.com/booths/EvesBooth
Hope to see you there
My Booths at Bonanzle! - wahm
Design Services
One of my freebie banners is now on the Assets page for all members to use!! WooHoo!
from mine to yours
Happy Selling!
My Websites:
SherAhnn on Bonanzle
I started Layaway Options in OCT.
Then Gift Certificates, then free gift wrapping.
You can see how to do Layaway by going to my booth and Clicking on Layaway Instructions in the booth catagories list OR
Click on the picture that says: Above And Beyond.
Hope this helps,
Visit me at my Bonanzle booth - Signed Sincerely Yours
Visit Signed Sincerely Yours at EveryPlaceISell.com
My Booths on Bonanzle - tamancam
Tamancam's Treehouse
A little bit of this and a little bit of that, clothing, books, toys, Disney Items, Pokemon, Dora, SpongeBob, and more
A World Beyond Stamps has Collectible postage stamps, International lots, souvenir sheets, and stamp sheets. More will be added weekly, as I have a large collection. If anyone is looking for particular countries or items, please contact me and I will list what I have
November 29, 2008
Bonanzle is mentioned on Fox News! See the story and spread the word!
Here is the original post, I had here before I added the above paragraph.
Fox News came out to do an interview with me last week about how to raise quick cash by selling things out of your home.
The interview involved me giving advice to a client of mine on how to get fast cash. Now I gave a nice plug to Bonanzle and I hope that they do use it, but I have no idea of what they will use and what they will cut, but I have my fingers crossed hoping that they’ll keep the Bonanzle bit in!
It won’t air until 10PM tonight EST.
Here’s a link if anyone wants to see it http://www.myfoxboston.com/myfox/
Also, I’ve added a player so that you can listen to the Brainstorming Bonanzle show over at The AuctionWally Network for those of you who are a member of that site.
I can’t wait for this Monday night’s Brainstorming Bonanzle show on TalkShoe
Here’s a link to that: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/31369
I’d love to see some more people sign up there, this one is going to be a great show. The theme is “Leverage” and speaking of: I’m asking those reading this post to take a look at this thread to leverage it to get more listeners to the show. Here’s the forum thread for that. http://www.bonanzle.com/forums/1/topics/5897
All booths that wish to participate in TMT games are REQUIRED to submit their information in the FOLLOWING FORMAT: (for easier reading)
BOOTH NAME (exactly how you want it to APPEAR)
BOOTH URL -make sure this is CORRECT as I copy & paste your info
BOOTH DESCRIPTION (make it as detailed as possible in 200 words or less)
BOOTHS SPECIALS (sales, promos, free shipping, anything that will draw buyers to your booth)
This is a PERMANENT LIST – please feel free to submit your information to participate in EVERY TICKLE ME TUESDAY. HOWEVER, if something arises and you cannot play on one Tuesday, just drop TMT a note and we will note it on your listing.
Not sure what TICKLE ME TUESDAY IS?? Visit http://www.bonanzle.com/forums/12/topics/5358 and find the answers to your questions! Also visit http://www.bonanzle.com/forums/12/topics/5358 and find the upcoming TMT game dates and what PRIZES you can win by signing up to play!!!
December 2, 2008 – 6 Custom Made Banners
Donated by http://www.bonanzle.com/booths/lilbirdy2
OFFERING Custom Booth Banners – Great Prices – Easy to upload and change for all different occasions! We have Art, Logos, Banners and Digital available in our Booth! Stop on by and lets see what we can do for you!
rileygrf’s booth
I sell children’s books, homeschooling/workbooks, party supplies
buy $5.00 worth of stuff get 10% off. Also free shipping.
Vintage, retro, clothing to Christmas..
Buy any item at full price get another equal or less at 1/2 price…Combined shipping always
We are selling rock t-shirts mostly adults S-XXL, but we have some ladies tops and some M and L youth t-shirts too. We will have 10% off your total if you buy two items, 12% off your total if you buy three items and 16% off your total if you will buy four or more items. Just send me an offer and I will make an offer with that discount. Come and check our brand new booth, all comments and ideas are welcome. Have a great holiday season!!!
Plaza de La Florcita
An eclectic selection of CDs, Bath & Body Works, Natural Supplements, & Obama stuff. New Pink Vera Bradley Lindsay bag just added. Books and more beauty products coming soon. 10% off Any purchase. A Free Obama/Biden Bumper sticker with any purchase (while supplies last, just add the freebie to your cart). One dollar off shipping of each item after the first. All offers considered.
Lizzie’s Loot
Variety of books,Children’s,Home Decor,Jewelry,Seasonal,and Vintage.
20% off all items over $10.
Combined Shipping
Many include Free Ship!
Elegance of Yore
Vintage clothing, hats, dolls, purses and extras
10% off all items, combined shipping
Patrick’s Attic
Home Decore, Gag Gifts, Chess Sets, Bath & beauty…over 400 items to choose from…Taking off 20% on Tickle-Me-Tuesdays!!!
No Reasonable Offer Refused!!!
Carol’s Butterfly Boutique
The Original S’more Ornaments, Thomas Kinkade Butterflies,
Pewter Serenity Angels, Nativity sets. Great assortment of quality gifts.
Buy Three Serenity Angels and get one Free
No Reasonable Offer Refused!!
Heathers Boutique
Large selection of items that will make wonderful Christmas gifts. Tons of items that are great additions to a Christmas decor. Including Santas, Snowmen, Nativities, Ornaments, etc. Licensed Disney, Kitchen Fairies & Jim Shore. All items are brand new. Specials: All items are 10% off for Tickle Me, Tuesday. Prices displayed are not discounted. Free shipping with any purchase over 75.00. Free shipping applies to orders shipped to the continental USA only.
Sharon’s Collectibles
Features vintage purses, gorgeous art glass and unusual baskets, along with other vintage and antique collectibles.
TMT special is 15% off all items in the booth.
The Peddlers Emporium
Great assortment of old and new. Collectibles, jewelry, Christmas, cookbooks, freebies…… TMT special is 15% off all items in booth. Prices displayed are not discounted.
Women’s shoes and clothing. Adult and junior sizes.
TMT 10% off all items. Combined shipping.
Phoenix Resale Shop
New and gently used clothing, jewelry, books, antiques and items for the home.
Tickle Me Tuesday Special: 25% off everything in the booth.
Jewelry, collectibles, Die Cast Cars,Puzzles Varied
selection of items and adding more daily.
10% off all items, combined shipping and I’m open to all offers.
Georgia’s Best
Some vintage and some new items. Still pretty new here so Come check us out I’m lonely over here by myself!
5% off all items over $4.00
starshinin’s booth
a lil bit of everything from the very old to new in the box..
10% off excludin shippin on tickle me tuesday
i combine shippin to help save YOU even more monies.
also will do layaways, with 20% down, balance due by 12/10/08 so i can get it to you before the holidays
Maggie’s Gifts
Gifts and home decor. Stocking stuffers starting at $1. Message me to tell me you got it on TMT and I’ll send you an adjusted invoice with 10% off.
We have a wide variety of fused glass including wall vases, dishes and bowls. I make dichroic jewelry with sterling silver and copper settings. We also sell cabochons and faceted stones for jewelry makers. Most everything is new, jewelry comes gift-boxed.
10% off every Tuesday!!
Noels Nook of Nostalgia
Take a memory trip with us as we bring you a blast from the past!
Vintage items, from the best of times. New store close-outs from major Dept stores. Spooner Creek ceramic plaques, kitchen magnets and wall charms. Hand made in Wisconsin. They make great gifts.
TMT- discount 20% off every TMT.
general merchandise, collectables, coins, leather goods, household items, toys, knives, stamps, etc, offers always accepted and 15% off for TMT
My Three Sons Marketplace/Diaper Chef
Delicious diaper cakes for baby showers, baby’s first Christmas and first birthday.
Personalized children’s books, mini book stocking stuffers and birthday party favors with your child’s photo. Baby/toddler clothing, shoes, Simpsons comics, and lots more! 25% discount every TMT… reasonable and not so reasonable offers welcome and accepted!
Frodo’s Hidden Treasures
20% off all purchases $10.00 or more.
Lots of D&D books! And a few other rare or unique items located in my booth.
Many Hard cover and paperback books.
Lots of freebies with minimum purchase see details for each individual item!!
Rue’s Bazaar
Gently used children’s clothing and collectibles.
Always 10% off for Tickle Me Tuesday.
Rue’s Boutique
Specializing in authentic Coach handbags, wristlets, and skinny minis.
Always 10% off for Tickle Me Tuesday.
I have a wonderful variety of BOOKS especially for children. If you do not see it in my booth just ask! I have 1,000’s of books and would be happy to check my inventory.
Free shipping on TMT
Brightest Blessings Wiccans
Body jewelry, Pagan and Wiccan Jewelry, Tarot Boxes, Handmade wooden Book of Shadows, Altar Items
10% off everything in Booth
Music on Vinyl and Cassettes, Biker patches and other Harley items, Books, VHS Movies, Barware, and Unique Collectibles.
Back up copy of your Music purchase is availible on CD or Cassette. See booth for details
TMT special! 25% off all items!
All reasonable offers accepted!
Combined shipping Discount!
Come see what the Renagade has for the Renagade in you!
Kims Korner
(We sell a bit of everything and will combine shipping and make deals)
gbagit23’s booth
A variety of name brand and designer toddler and infant clothing, shoes, and toys, designer handbags,leather coats,and womens and mens designer clothing, as well as some home decor items.
10% off on TMT and combined shipping offered.
Forget Me Not
Handcrafted pure, quality mineral makeup with a pretty price tag. Simply natural, good for your skin makeup that is free of chemicals, bismuth oxychloride, talc, fragrance, oils and other additives. TMT Special – Save 25% off any item in my booth Shipping is always FREE!!!
T and M Creations
T and M Creations Booth We offer a wide variety of gift items.
We also have craft items and custom embroidery. www.bonanzle.com/booths/TandMCreations Special: 10% off any knives 20% off all other items. Be sure to check our sections titled TMT Specials for any other special offers for the day, you never know what you may find in there!
A variety of items including diecast cars,clothes,shoes,vintage items
offering 10% off entire booth
Sharon’s Booth
Featuring more than 600 delectable pieces of jewelry, much of it vintage. Special for TMT: 15% off the entire booth. Additional pieces ship for $0.50 each.
I sell basic ‘dust collectors’ and some unique hand made Christmas ornaments, all to help me continue to help the orphan kittens that come through our door and into our hearts!
I offer 10% off total for sales over $100.00 in my booth!
Nice Twice
I sell boutique children’s clothes including Anavini, Biscotti, Carriage Boutiques, Feltman Brothers, Kelly’s Kids, Will’Beth and many more brands. I also have a large assortment of Christmas clothing for boys and girls.
I also have a few pageant dresses, Christmas items, and portrait sets, and ladies’ fine lingerie.
My special will be to offer free shipping on every item in my booth.
Thusie the Little Bookworm
Womens Plus & Ladies Clothes, Mens Clothes, Boys Clothes, Shoes, Home Decor, Books
50% all booth items during TMT!
Great deals on new and gently used items for the entire family
10% off your purchase, no minimum purchase required PLUS we offer combined shipping to save you even more.
Hughes Tees & Gifts
Brand name T-shirts made especially for you with your size, choice of colors(several to choose from), and thousands of heat transfers to chose from. We have Humor, pets, biker, trucker, rodeo, etc.. you’ll have to come in and check it out!! We have over 10000 graphics to chose from, so please if there is something you want, but do not see, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are far from having it all listed, but If we have something like what you’re looking for, we will be glad to post the item! We also have a variety of other stuff like Die Cast, electronics, and more!!
Thanks again for taking the time to shop.
SPECIAL: 10% off entire booth for the event, 15% off over 100.00 plus combined shipping and only $10.00shipping for over $100.00.
Gift Certs & layaway available too
Discontinued Dinnerware Replacement Pieces and cool Kitchenware accessories in hard to find patterns, Collectibles and More!
(20% off entire booth)
Djerdy’s Books
Current & Classic Book titles, Romance Novels, Children’s and much more, something for everyone in hardcover and paperbacks!
20% off entire booth
gbme1’s booth
December Xmas shopping special! Offering affordable jewelry (rings, bracelets,necklaces, and earrings), antiques, imported handbags, designer clothing, housewares, and more.
15% off on TMT and freebies offered. Combined shipping.
Angela’s BooksNStuff Booth
Over 1000 Books And Stocking Stuffers Too!
Combined Shipping!
25% off Everything During TMT
Selling a bit of everything – from household to clothes to gift items, books, toys, games Offering 25% off any purchase, no minimum required!!!
Screaming From the Gallery
Offering unique handcrafted gemstone or lampworked glass beaded jewelry at 15% off during Tickle Me Tuesday sale
Your one stop shop for gifts! We have a large variety of jewelry, trendy flat wallets, jewelry boxes, compact mirrors, lipstick cases, perfume bottles, picture frames, keychains and some cool gadgets.
All of our items will be on sale at 20% off during this Tickle Me Tuesday . We sell to the United States and Canada and offer Free Shipping to both countries!
Karen’s Jewelry
Handcrafted jewelry items. Including gemstone necklaces, unique lanyard ID badge holders, medical replacement bracelets, ankle bracelets, bracelets, holiday jewelry, holiday earrings. TMT Special – Save 10% on all booth items. Please request final invoice so I can adjust price.
FREE PRIORITY SHIPPING on $50.00 purchase.
Multiple item shipping discounts.
FREE sizing on all bracelets.
Offering Vintage and New Items, will combine shipping gladly.
10 % off everything in my booth on Tickle Me Tuesday
Dude&Chick’s Booth
we offer a variety of items. Books, new & gently used clothing, vintage patches and so much more. You never know what we’ll list next!
TMT special: 20% off entire booth! Combined shipping always available
This booth is an eclectic mix of just about anything ranging from expensive high end jewelry to reasonably priced clothing, shoes, collectibles, diecast cars, and much more. Check back often as we will be adding items regularly. All items are on hand.
20% off sale on day of event
Kat Barton
Antiques, collectibles, Artisan works, glassware, linens, and more. 20% off 50.00 or more purchase.
Offering a wide variety of beautiful artisan jewelry at affordable prices. 10% off all booth items during TMT.
100% of the sale price oes to support our rescue. Find shadowboxes, ornaments, handpainted signs, cat beds and toys, home decor items, craft supplies too!
Right now I have several Christmas ornaments and dishes, I have children’s lunch totes, Hannah Montana t shirts. I specialize in candles and unique frames. I am still listing. so not everything is on yet. Springtime is right around the corner. I have wind chimes, bird houses,frames, candles,lots of clothes .etc. Hope to see you here! Some things are 1/2 price shipping others are free
Bargain One Stop’s Boot h
We have a large variety of items from collectables to costume jewelry.
TMT Special is 15% of everything in store. We offer combined shipping on all our items.
Eggcentricity Jewels
Handmade semi-precious gemstone, antique lampwork and sterling silver jewelry and some vintage(due to age only) buttons.
All ticklers will get FREE First Class International shipping on all jewelry
Holy Cow Batman
Christmas Ornaments Silver Jewelry Pewter Goddess Pendants
20% off during TMT
Gypsy Trading Company
I have Antiques, collectibles, vintage, costume jewelry, and everything else.
20% off on all TMT’s anything over 10.00 purchase.
combined shipping
Just like the name says! We will constantly be listing more and more books new and old in an attempt to have something for everyone!
25% OFF SALE for Tickle Me Tuesday
Crazycat’s Handmade Items
Over 200 items to choose from
special orders welcome
cat toys, towels, soap bottle aprons
books,cds , fabric and more
always a free gift with $10 or more purchase
Handmade quilted items and quilting kits
special reuqests welcomed
25% off orders over $40
Cleos Great Deal
Vintage jewelry, Boy Scout memorabilia, Freebie contest open to all Bonanzlers, and more collectibles. Buy $20. and get 15% off.
Fabulous Finds
Great deals on new and gently used items for the entire family! Clothing newborn – adult, collectibles, toys, videos & DVDs. music CDs, household, holiday items, and lots more!!! TMT special – 10% off entire booth, no minimum purchase required. PLUS we combine shipping to save you even more!! Purchase $100 or more (excluding s/h) and pay a flat $10 shipping rate to anywhere within the US or receive 50% off international shipping rates.
Eclectic Ave.
Antiques, Collectibles, Vintage and Fine Jewelry, Home Decor, Hallmark ornaments from the 70’s through today’s, and much more.
30% off during TMT and shipping is always combined.
lots of nice hard-to-find, out-of-print books , some curriculum . Will combine for discounted shipping
Precious Jewelry
We carry a fine selection of .925 Sterling Silver Rings, Earrings, Necklaces, Bracelets, Pendants, Anklets, Body jewelry + more. Styles include Onyx, Red Coral, Abalone, Turquoise, Mother of Pearl and Cubic Zirconia. New products added often!
10% off everything in the store!
rurallj’s place
Lots of books and other goodies, combined shipping whenever possible, all reasonable offers considered!
10% off on all booth items during TMT
Get some nice fragrance, handbags, and many gifts
10% off on all items, combined shipping
TheGoodStuff’s Booth
Specializing in Avon Fragrances and Jewelry at a fraction of the retail cost! I gladly combine shipping costs to save you money.
Boo Moon
High end cosmetics like NARS, Stila and Too Faced, Fun and funky clothing, boots, jewelry
Cheyenne2u’s Booth
I am NEW to Bonanzle and have many Cookbooks for the Holidays, Crafts and adding collectibles. Something for everyone’s interest! :)
Bonanza: Nov. 29th – everything in Booth 25% off, starts at 10 am for 3 hours. Ya’ll Come!
A World Beyond Stamps
Offering a selection of Worldwide stamp sheets, souvenir sheets, and lots
Offering 10% off all items / entire purchase during TMT
Tamancam’s Treehouse
Welcome to the treehouse! Here you will find a variety of items, including trading cards, themed playing card decks, and clothes for the entire family, books, and more. I have several pokemon, dora the explorer, bob the builder, and other top name-brand books, stickers, and a large selection of items
Offering 10% off all items / entire purchase during TMT
Nifty Nook
We have new in package Barbie dolls, Tickle Me Elmo NIP, some collectible vintage items, toys, books, and other items. Thanks.
We’ll offer 20% off any purchase in our booth. Combined shipping as always for multiple purchases.
Leon’s Groovy Deals
We have sterling silver jewelry, shoe charms, and more at great prices.
Free Shipping on all items during TMT
Our automotive booth sells auto parts, vintage hotwheels redlines, vintage Matchbox Lesney, New in Package Hotwheels, and other collectible cars.
We’ll offer 20% off on anything in our booth. Also, combined shipping as always. Thank you.
Moki’s Treasures
Vintage, new and unexpected items. Something for everyone and the hardest person on your holiday list.
30% Off. Combined shipping! Money Orders, Cashier’s Checks and Paypal. International shipping. Free shipping on orders over $50.00. Make me an offer!
amodernguy’s booth
Specializing in mid-century modern and atomic era furnishings, accessories and art.
10% all Booth Items during TMT
Teapot Gallery Creations
Handcrafted wire art jewelry which includes bracelets, brooches & pins, earrings, pendants and hair jewelry.
20% plus free shipping
Variety of vintage and antique items – 10% off during Tickle Me Tuesday!
Hope you enjoy visiting my booth Merrymuddle
We specialize in selling items that were TEA PREMIUMS but we also have a large selection of Wade porcelain, dollhouses and dollhouse furniture, headvases, collectible glass and porcelain, nostalgia, postcards, and many other miscellaneous items.
For Tickle Me Tuesday I will give a 10% discount off listed prices. Also please feel free to email me your offers on groups of items during this event.
Mama’s Creations
Handmade Bath & Body items, custom web banners, Watkins products and more. 10% off purchase of $50 or more. Choice of free Holiday Banner with any purchase
Sabrina0222 – Reiki & Bio-Balancing Therapies
Sabrina is a skilled and result-oriented therapeutic energy healing practitioner who provides exceptional Comprehensive Holistic Energy Therapy Healing services for the whole family, including pets and animals. She is a teaching practitioner offering courses and training, both in person and through online e-courses. She believes in empowering you – the client, rather than promoting your dependency on her skills and knowledge. She helps you learn how to take control of your own health.
She is also a skilled psychic medium whom approaches each reading with sensitive-compassion, whether you are seeking a general reading or are hoping to connect with a loved one who has crossed over.
One freebie per item bought = Package of 5 Healing Boosters – a great addition to any other service(s) or used alone. They provide you with an extra “shot” of strong but gentle healing energy. It’s a mini-surge of healing energies that aid you in getting through those less-energetic portions of the day. Each Comprehensive Healing Booster lasts 15-minutes.
Because listed prices are already over 25% off normal rates, there are no additional discounts available.
Eves Booth
I sell purses, kitchen items, bedding, jewelry, books and everything in between.
Purchase $100 get 10% off. Also combined shipping available.
Hosted by:
Wicked Scents offers uniquely fragrant candle selection with over 70 cents to choose from. I’m sure you’ll find at least one that will make your senses go HMMM…Please consider donating to help SAVE PITBULLS – for each $5.00 or more donations you will receive a $5.00 Gift Certificate which you can spend in either Wicked_Scents Booth or Down Home Deals Booth.
Co-Hosted by:
You will find an eclectic assortment of things. Jewelry, Some Jewelry making supplies (findings), Belt Buckles, Postcards, Books, Silverware, Dinnerware and Dishes, Baseball Cards, Pez, Die Cast Cars, and more stuff than you can imagine (more than 900 items.) I will be adding more items all week. Stay Tuned!!
SPECIAL: 20% off entire booth for the event plus combined shipping based on weight to save money.
Down Home Deals
Offering a wide variety of gifts for you and your home! Pet Thermometers, Collectors Plates, Ty Beanie Babies, Buddys & Teenies, Ink Jet Cartridges and much much more! PIT BULL Donations – Gift Certificates, Bath & Body, RARE FINDS!
SPECIAL: 15% off entire BOOTH during TMT