Thank you for supporting Reallysmartdeals.

I want to wish everyone a Happy New Year.
We would like to wish a very warm welcome to all of our newly referred members! Thank you for joining. We hope you enjoy your stay with us. A very special thank you to all of our current active members who are increasing our daily surfing count and our membership level.
*****If you can not read this newsletter you can see it here NewsLetter Online
(Need Help Click Here (New Members Guide). If you ever get stuck, This is a great resource that can guide you through every link in the system.
*Members, help us service you faster. Please log in and use the Support System. This will virtually guarantee you'll reach me, no chance of bounced email.

I want to thank everyone for the great feed back on the auto surf we had for the 24th and 25th. That was a blast.
Surfing last week was awesome. The best it has ever been. You surfed a total of 181293 pages on Reallysmartdeals.
I got lot's of reports that many members got a lot of great sales also from RSD last week. Remember we have ReallySmartDeals Shopaholic page.
Are you a ReallySmartDeals shopaholic?
Buy-or-Bid-or-Win any item from RSD you will get 25 hit credits for every $1 spent. Not including S&H.
Here is how the Buy-or-Bid program will work.
When you are surfing and you find a item you like, and you Buy-or-Bid-or-Win
Send me a copy of your confirmation email with your RSD user id and I will credit your account within 24 hours.
That's not all.......
The more you spend the more credits you earn!!!!
You will earn 25 hit credits for every $1 you spend while surfing ReallySmartDeals. Example: Spend $20.00 and you will earn 500 hit credits The credits will ad up fast.
If you have any question on this program you can email me anytime.

Thank you for shopping on ReallySmartDeals

Only 3 days left for the Referral contest. Spread the word. So far for the month of Dec we have 52 new active members.
I would like to thank everyone that has works so hard bringing in new members. The more members we get signed up the more clicks your sites receive which = more $$$$'s for everyone. Promote your referral link everywhere.
You can always check your stats on the tool page click on Contests. Scroll to the bottom.
1st Place 10,000 Hit Credits
10,000 Text Credits
2nd Place 5000 Hit Credits
5000 Text Credits
3rd Place 1000 Hit Credits
1000 Text Credits
Get your referral code and banners at My Downline on your tool page.
Just a reminder that you and your referrals have to be active in order to get any prizes.
New Members are the back bone of RSD. The more we refer the more people to see your sites, the more money $$$$$$ for all of us,

Winners this last week where:
Lamylouy's Store on YHB
Three days left for the birthday give a way. This has been a blast. Again thank you to all the sponsors. Sewgood, Bays Designs, YourHighBid, Amboauctions, Myeauctions, Overnightauctions One, Overnightauctions Too, Explorz.gotop100, Explorz, The Selling Lounge, Snagashop Top 100 Site, and LadybugAngel Graphics I wish I could have given everyone a prize.
12/29-1 Month Banner Ad (468x60) in The Selling Lounge along with being added to Selling Lounge Directory as well for a full month
12/30 $5.00 YourHighBid Site Credits. (If not a member - must signup to get prize)
12/31 Write up on your store in The The Selling Lounge Blog with many links going
to your store:
Click Here to see all the prize or

Purple Cow Antiques @ YHB
Congratulations to Purple Cow Antiques @ YHB 1st Place Surfer week last week. She surfed 13,772 pages and has been a member of RSD since 2008-11-14.
Purple Cow Antiques @ YHB has the honor to display the 1st place RSD trophy on there auction site for one week.
Special Prize: Purple Cow Antiques @ YHB won 1st page seen for 24 hours.
We have antiques from the Victorian to the mid-twentieth century modern era. Gifts, needful things and "just because you deserve it" treasures! Come and browse our store for that hard to buy for person. Join us this month as we give thanks for our many blessings.
Spode Patricia Chintz 10" Plate
Elegant Vintage Pressed Glass Footed Bowl
Heavy 1940's Pressed Glass handled pitcher or vase
Alaskan Inuit Embroidered Seal Gut Covered Box Whimsey 1920's
***BONUS Any member of RSD that buys any item above from Purple Cow Antiques will get to have a banner in the size of 125x125 on the NewsLetter blog for one week. Please Send me a copy of your confirmation email with your RSD user id. I will contact you you with in 24 hours to get your banner link and website link.
Who is going to win the trophy next week?

Ad's By the Members of RSD

Explorz - Online Shopping Portal and Store Reviews
You can have your ad in the newsletter for only $1 a week eMail Advertising

Congratulates to the top 10 Surfers from last week.
See what our top 10 Surfers have for SALE!
Purple Cow Antiques @ YHB
Yourhighbid Surfed By Lamy
Sadie Bell's Books
Ogden Sports Cards
Top TEN Surfers/Shoppers each week win 1 of your shopping websites listed on the home page for 1 week
*1st place surfer wins a feature spot on Reallysmartdeals Newsletter each week.
* 1st place surfers gets to have there site as the 1st page seen for 24 hours on the surf bar of RSD
* All top ten surfers get to have one auction site or store listed on the home page of RSD
*** Everyone has a chance to win. All you have to do is surf ***
This is a lot of free advertising. Don't miss out.

*~**~*~**~*~**~* I would like to give you 500 text credits. To get your credits please log into your tool page and click on the contact us link. Put into the subject line (text ). Credits will be added within 24 hours.
*Members, help us service you faster. Please log in and use the Support System. This will virtually guarantee you'll reach me, no chance of bounced email.
*** NOTE: Just a quick reminder, we have an open door policy at RSD simply because without members feedback, this program can never succeed? If you have any suggestions, comments or problems with RSD we need to hear from you. You can contact myself directly through our support ticket system. That way you know I will receive it.
*** NOTE: As a free member you need to surf in order for your sites to be seen. You have to surf every 14 days to keep your account active - surfing even just 5 or 6 pages will keep your account active and your sites will keep getting hits. If you don't surf for 14 days, your account becomes 'Suspended'. It's your URLs that are suspended, not your account. You can 'Unsuspend' them by surfing a few pages
*Please support our community in every way you can. The more members we get signed up the more clicks your sites receive which = more
$$$$'s for everyone. Promote your referral link everywhere.
Just a reminder:
You can add the same link up to 3 times only. Ad your link 3, 7, 14, ...... days that way it will stay in rotation all the time. This helps get more traffic to your site, but also helps develop your brand awareness. Remember, the trick to all this is to keep your site in front of people, everyday as much as possible for the long run.
If you ever need any help just log into your tool page and click on Contact Us link. This will virtually guarantee you'll reach me, no chance of bounced email.
P.S. Be sure to use all the recourses that Reallysmartdeals has to offer. Read everything. The more you work Reallysmartdeals the More Reallysmartdeals will work for you.
Are you using all the tools that RSD as to offer?
Visit at
October 27th, 2008 at 11:05 am
Bonanzle is the most rapid growing internet commerce site ever. It has been tailored to the interests and expectations of sellers and buyers alike. No doubt about it, it is “The Internet Darling”.
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